
Documentation for ContractStandards

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Home | Creating/Editing Content: Creating a Clause / Editing a Clause / Creating a Contract / Editing a Contract

Editing a Clause

Getting to the Clause Edit Screen

From the Published View

  1. In top-right corner, click username.

  2. Select “Admin View” from dropdown

  3. In Admin View, navigate to the Clauses table.

  4. Find and select Clause to be edited.

From the Contract Editor

  1. Click on a Clause Block

  2. Click the “Advanced” link to the left of the Clause Block

  3. In pop-up, click “More Options” button.

  4. Click “View Full Clause”

  5. That button will open a new tab in the user’s browser with the full Clause Editor

Editing Clause Metadata

  1. Navigate to Clause Editor using steps above

  2. Make desired edit to any field other than Clause Language.

  3. Publish or Save as Draft

    • Publish. User’s changes are saved and immediately published to the user’s Private Library.
    • Save as Draft. User’s changes are saved for later editing/review but NOT published to the site. Other users accessing the Clause will not see changes saved as a draft.

Editing Clause Text

  1. Navigate to Clause Editor (see above)

  2. Under “Clause Language,” select the Clause Alternative to be edited.

  3. Click the “Options” button

  4. Select “Edit Alternative”

  5. A pop-up will appear with options to edit the Clause Alternative’s
    • label (“Answer”),
    • contract type,
    • party-weight,
    • designation as “Standard,” and
    • Clause Alternative Text.
  6. Make desired edits.

  7. Publish or Save as Draft
    • Publish. User’s changes are saved and immediately published to the user’s Private Library.
    • Save as Draft. User’s changes are saved for later editing/review but NOT published to the site. Other users accessing the Clause will not see changes saved as a draft.
  8. Click “Close”