
Documentation for ContractStandards

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Home | Creating/Editing Content: Creating a Clause / Editing a Clause / Creating a Contract / Editing a Contract

Edit a Contract

Edit Clause Text

  1. Click on a Clause Block. An editing toolbar and some saving options will appear.

  2. Make necessary changes.

  3. Click “Save Draft” or “Publish”.

  4. Click “Save” in the pop-up. WARNING: When you save changes to a Clause Alternative in a Contract, that change will be immediately pushed to any other Contract that uses that specific Clause Alternative.

  5. If the user does not want those changes pushed to other Contracts, click “New Alternative” in the pop-up.

Creating a new Clause Alternative will take the user’s edited text and bring up a “New Alternative” Form. Users can give this new Clause Alternative a different label, contract type, and party-weight. When the user saves the new Clause Alternative, that new text will be synced with the current Contract and the previously synced Clause Alterantive will remain as it was before the user made changes. This allow the user to make necessary changes to a Clause Alternative in one Contract without affecting the text in other Contracts.

Edit Contract Structure

Editing the Contract structure is done in the Contract’s outline. To access the outline, hover over the blue, red, and gray ticks on the left side of the screen. The outline for the Contract will appear.

Add Clause Block

  1. Click any existing Clause in the outline.

  2. At the top of the outline, click the green button with a ‘+’.

  3. Name the new Clause

  4. This creates a subclause for the Clause the user selected. The user can then move the new Clause anywhere. See directions below.

Move Clause Block

  1. Click and hold the Clause in the outline that is to be moved.

  2. Drag and drop the Clause to its desired destination.

Remove Clause Block

  1. Click on the Clause to be deleted.

  2. At the top of the outline, click the red button with an ‘X’.

  3. Confirm.

Note: The user will still be able to view the removed Clause in their Clause Library. This action simply removes that Clause from the Contract.

Another Note: Removing a parent Clause from the outline will also remove that Clause’s subclauses.

Sync Clause with Contract

  1. In the body of the Contract Editor, empty blocks (red borders) have two links: “Create New Clause” and “Sync with Clause Library.”

  2. Click “Sync with Clause Library.”

  3. A new pop-up will appear with a table of all of the Clauses in that user’s Private Library. By default, ContractStandards searches for the name of the Clause given in the outline to narrow down the list. To see the full Clause library, simply clear the search bar in the left column header.

  4. Click the “Sync” link in the right column

  5. A new pop-up will appear, showing that Clause’s Clause Alternatives.

  6. Select a Clause Alternative. Users can use the “Contract Type” dropdown to filter results by the relevant contract type. See the different uptions under the “Answers” dropdown.

  7. Click the green “Sync” button

Edit Settings

  1. In Contract Editor, click on gears button next to the Contract Title at the top of the page.

  2. Select “Settings” from the menu.

  3. From the Contract Settings screen, users can
    • Edit the Contract Title,
    • Edit the Filename,
    • Change the Contract Taxonomy,
    • Publish or Unpublish the Contract,
    • Adjust the Party A, B, and C variables, and
    • Edit the Overview
  4. After the user makes any changes, click “Save” to Publish changes.

  5. Users may also delete an entire Contract by clicking the “Delete” button. All Clause language will be preserved in teh Clause library when a Contract is deleted.